Cross-platform sourcing and how it works
Using only one platform for sourcing candidates can be very limiting. Cross-platform sourcing is helping organisations find more – and more skilled – talent.
  • What is cross-platform sourcing and why is it so useful?
  • How are organisations implementing cross-platform sourcing?

Sourcing the right talent for roles in an organisation is becoming increasingly challenging for recruiters. Due to the rise of remote working models and The Great Resignation, there are significantly more vacancies for job seekers to choose from than there were a few years ago. This means that employers and recruiters must search for candidates more proactively, and in more places. As well as many jobs to choose from, potential candidates also have more platforms and channels than ever before to use. If a job advertisement is posted on only one or two channels, this seriously limits its reach. Because of this, more and more organisations are using multi-channel, cross-platform sourcing strategies to find the right talent.

What is cross-platform sourcing and why is it so useful?

Cross-platform sourcing means using multiple channels to search for potential candidates. Some of the most common channels are professional social networks and platforms such as LinkedIn and GitHub, although the most popular platforms vary depending on an organisation’s sector and industry. Even less traditionally ‘professional’ networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, and emerging social media platforms can be used to source talent. However, most recruiters are still using only one or two platforms, most commonly LinkedIn and job sites like Indeed and Monster. These sites can, of course, be highly effective for sourcing, due to their reputations and extensive user bases, but embracing other platforms as well can significantly ‘widen the net’.

With LinkedIn recently increasing the cost of its Premium subscription package, and Twitter charging users for features that benefit many organisations, recruiters are discovering that overreliance on any particular platform is unwise. In addition to reaching more users, building a sourcing strategy around multiple platforms can help avoid ‘putting all your eggs in one basket’. Similarly to how IT teams usually explore different platforms and systems in case of the failure of one, cross-platform sourcing can be an effective method of risk management. 

Another notable benefit of branching out to different platforms is the reduced competition – not only do less populated channels feature fewer job posts, but organisations can avoid fighting for attention in the same spaces. More specific platforms, such as those dedicated to jobs in certain sectors, are also often used by candidates with job-specific skills and interests, rather than those simply applying for any job out there. A 2021 report by Deloitte found that seven out of 10 employers struggled to find workers with ‘the right mix of technical skills and human capabilities’.

How are organisations implementing cross- platform sourcing?

The main challenges of cross-platform sourcing are choosing the right platforms, and spending the time necessary to post vacancies and monitor applications across them all. To solve these issues, talent acquisition platform LiveHire and recruitment intelligence platform Crintell Technologies (CrintellTech) have partnered to design an AI-based solution called Eva. Once provided with details of a job vacancy, Eva can scan a variety of platforms, sites, and job boards to find suitable applicants for roles, before contacting them to share job specifications. 

A similar AI-based recruitment platform called also automates discovery, and combines this with ‘a global team of human sourcers’. This platform has already proven popular with companies like IBM and Siemens. Sourcing platforms like these can significantly streamline the administrative aspect of sourcing, saving organisations time and money. They can also reach ‘passive candidates’, who may have profiles on platforms but are not actively seeking new opportunities. As these skilled workers are often already employed, they are less likely to engage with – or even see – posted vacancies unless they are alerted to them.

Closing thoughts

Whether carrying out cross-platform sourcing manually or using automated solutions, it is important to first understand the way each platform works. Recruiters should also only access user information that is publicly available. If multiple platforms are used properly, the results can be very positive. Talent acquisition strategies should also – regardless of the specific platforms used – be honest, direct, and reflect the genuine benefits of working for a particular organisation.

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